sunday school meets on sundays for twoish hours at 12pm CST / 1pmEST remotely. the current schedule can be found here.

each sunday school session is an independent offering. visitors of sunday school do not need the experience of any previous session to come and study. come once, come twice, come for half a session, come every other, come.

to join ss, email expressing your interest, and i'll include you on all correspondence about classes, including zoom links to join. sunschool runs on a sliding scale basis.*

assembling a queer cabinet of angels as our study guides, each sunday we will be guided by a different angel, including poets, photographers, writers, theorists, musicians, artists, activists, and friends. sunschool is against mastery. for blurriness. trembling with the world (glissant). each session looks quite different, performative lecture - like : a live transcription of gay love letters, deep listening turned dance party, memento mori…a theatrical read aloud, a call to action, a screening with and in blue, a heliotropic writing session…an interview, a live scanner wire line, an act of curiosity. a wild combination (arthur), a blueprint for bliss (derek).

once you join, you are considered a member of sunday school and will receive access to all the digital archives and traces that inform our studies.

*no one will be turned away from sunday school for lack of funds. the suggested sliding scale is $25 - $100 for a sunday session. payment options include venmo (@leeraewalsh) , paypal ( & zelle (

i ask that resources such as property ownership, medical stability, salaried jobs, intergenerational wealth and structural access to wealth be considered. i recognize that many people find themselves at intersections of different circumstances, & should assess and move in a way that makes sense to them. as a white and queer artist, i prioritize offering accessible resources to queer, trans, and artists of color. there is no need to disclose your circumstance when choosing to move inside or outside of this scale.

i do not consider myself an expert or master of any topic, & sunday school is no way affiliated with any institution of religion. these here are gay gods and sun hymns, sermons delivered from a poet’s tongue. if sunday school piques your interest but isn't your style, you can find an opportunity to work together in other capacities here.

sunday school also accepts funds from those who are not interested in attending but wish to support forms of study that exist outside of the institution and are artist lead. you can venmo @leeraewalsh at any time or email to inquire about other options and forms of support.

sunday school has an ever open suggestion box - to suggest an angel for study or provide feedback, fill out this anonymous form.